Sunday, May 31, 2020

Loose Poker - 5 Stack-Exploding Tips For You - And Easy to Do Too!

Loose Poker - 5 Stack-Exploding Tips For You - And Easy to Do Too!
Want to explode your stack to the roof playing loose poker? Would be awesome right? Well read these 5 tips and you will be able to do it easily.
Playing loose poker is the best way to play - in my opinion. It is the fastest way to make extreme amounts of cash. Its not as safe as playing tight but the risk is paid back 10 fold in cold hard cash added to your bankroll.
1) Play loose poker against good players. Good players are smart enough to guess and counter-guess your cards and themselves and tend to overanalyze everything such as bets and table position. They work so hard to figure out what you have they will scare themselves into thinking your bluff is true
2) Intimidate everyone, especially bad players. Bad players on the other hand are often too stupid to realise your even semi-bluffing and will call through with a high pair. You can stop this happening with huge bets because new/bad players are often scared of losing too much money. You can intimidate anyone at the table but especially the newbies.
3) Have the bankroll to back it up. The biggest reason people fail playing loose poker is that they don't have enough cash to keep going. You need big amounts of money because you will be betting so much each hand. Your bankroll needs to be able to have a big enough buffer to survive the ups and down. Players who try to play stingy and loose will sooner or later fail.
4) Get in the mindset to play loose. Playing poker loose takes a bit of determination, courage, perseverance and the like. If you aren't in the right frame of mind you won't be confident enough to pull it off and it will all come crumbling down on you. Make sure you are ready to play this style before you even sit down at the table.
5) Most importantly, known when to fold them. Playing loose is good, yes. And you can cover most cards with big bets, yes. But you need to know when it's not worth the effort. If you have really poor cards pass up the hand. If you think you are beat don't keep going. You gotta know when to hold em and when to fold em!